This is not your grandmother's old etiquette class, this is the modernized version meant for any user of the World Wide Web. The term that describes this type of etiquette is netiquette, and it does not explain the proper way to eat or drink your tea. This version of etiquette is focused on how you, as a user of the web, interact with others in the online environment. Whether it be online classes, video games, social networking, or many of the other uses of the Internet you should always follow the simple netiquette rules. Using netiquette allows the receiver of your messages and yourself to be able to benefit the most from your online experiences. Even though you cannot physically see the person receiving your messages, you must always remember there is a person on the other end. The proper use of netiquette can greatly enhance anyone's experience reading your messages. This act will be returned the next time they send you a message.Basic Rules:
Golden Rule- "Do unto others as you would have done done to you." ( This is the principle behind every rule in netiquette. This is a very simple concept; however, it is very easy to forget or to disregard this rule because of emotions or acts done in haste. Also, according to the textbook "Discovering Computers 2010" by Shelly and Vermaat there are some other rules of netiquette to follow besides the golden rule. They are as follows:
- Keep messages brief (check spelling and grammar)
- Sarcasm and humor can be misinterpreted so use caution when using these
- Always be polite and avoid the use of offensive or derogatory language
- Proofread everything before you send
- Use meaningful subject lines to alert the reader of what is contained in the message
- Do not send "flames" which are abusive or insulting messages
- Do not send spam mail (junk mail)
- Use emoticons to express emotions. =] smile, =[ frown, ext...
- Use abbreviations and acronyms for common phrases. lol- laugh out loud, ttyl- talk to you later, ext...
- Before posting questions try to search for the answer first (most of the time they are easily found). If you still can not find the answer than you may ask the question
- Never assume a website or the material on any website is up-to-date.
- Never read someone's private email.
- Do not use all capital letters as it is seen as shouting
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"All Capital Letters=Yelling" By: Daniel Rifa |
The rules of netiquette are fairly simple and easy to abide by. As long as you remember the golden rule the rest will be the result of treating others how you wish to be treated. For some other takes on the rules of netiquette you can click here. Now lets go through a couple different scenarios to see if you can spot what the person is doing wrong and what netiquette rules they are breaking. The answers will be posted at the end of the scenarios.
Scenario 1:
Bob just received ten emails from his mother. Four of the emails are about Bob's acceptance to the University of Florida, three are from Bob's family members with pictures of his family, and the rest are emails about financial aide that his mother wanted him to look at. After going through the emails Bob decides to forward the photos to everyone in his contacts list in turn sending them to family, friends, and employees.
1)Who is in violation of the netiquette rules and engaging in spam mail, Bob or his mother and why?
Scenario 2:
Tim likes to play online games and sometimes gets in a rush when typing to other players. While typing to a fellow player Tim forgot to take caps lock off and the resulting message was in all capital letters. Tim sends the message anyways without even noticing that it was in all capital letters.
2) What rule(s) of netiquette are Tim breaking?
A. sending spam mail
B. shouting through caps locks.
C. not proofreading
D. both B and C
1) Bob is in violation of the netiquette rules because he sent the family photos to many people who were not related to the members of the photos as well as perhaps did not even know them. This would of resulted in them having to delete the spam mail, wasting their time. On the other hand Bob's mother was following the rule perfectly because everything she sent had some significance to Bob.
2) Tim is shouting at the fellow player by using all capital letters, and he forgot to proofread his message before he sent it which could have prevented the shouting that resulted in the capital letters. The answer was "D. both B and C"
Now that you are familiar with what the rules of netiquette it is time to go out into the web and practice what you have learned and share with others how to make the web a more enjoyable experience for us all.
- "Discovering Computers 2010" by Gary B. Shelly & Misty E. Vermaat.
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