Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tutorial 2: How to Create an Exciting Presentation.

Have you ever been assigned a presentation and feel that you are stuck using something boring and unoriginal? Fear no more, because of the technology of Web 2.0 allows you to create exciting presentations that are sure to be the crowds favorite. With websites such as and programs such as Jing you never have to make a boring slide show again.

Prezi is a  unique way to create presentations. Instead of a sideshow it uses a large whiteboard where the creator can edit any part of the board and zoom in, zoom out. As well you can create a path that the camera follows giving it a more organic feel rather than a computerized  If you click the above link there is a tutorial video of some of the features of Prezi feel more than welcome to view this video as I found it quite interesting. As well as there is a program called Jing, which allows you capture both screen shots as well as video with audio) right off of your computer screen. This is very helpful for creating an online presentation that you can not physically give.Below is a sped up video of a user creating a presentation using

Now that we know a few of the programs we can use to create a presentation lets focus on how to make it an effective presentation. According to the keys to a great presentation are:
  1. "Know Your Subject Matter"
  2. "Know Your Audience"
  3. "Know Yourself"
  4. "Develop a Theme"
  5. "Prepare Your Script"
  6. "Select the Proper Visual Aides"
  7. "Prepare a Storyboard"
  8. "Produce the Visuals"
Most of these are self explanatory; however' let us focus on the visuals of the presentation. It is very important to pick visuals that compliment your presentation and at the same time do not clutter it or distract the audience from the message. One the the most important things is to make sure the visual belongs in the presentation. The visual must convey the same message you are trying to send to your audience. Nothing inappropriate should be used and also do not overwhelm the audience with tons of pictures that end up causing them to become lost in the visuals.

Another important subject in creating an effective presentation is the text used within it. The text needs to be short and straight to the point. Lengthy sentences tend to be lost in a presentation. Stick to the facts and keep it short. This is so that while giving the presentation you do not end up reading straight off the slide and instead you have room to generate extra input to connect all the dots of your presentation.

The next step to having an effective presentation is having an effective speaker. You must not read straight off the slide but instead generate new facts and information not given on the slide to show that you actually understand what is on the slide instead of just reading a script of information you found. Appearance is an important factor for physical presentations. Be well dressed, and groomed as well as having good posture during the presentation to show your audience that you are confident in the information on the slides. Maintain eye contact through out the presentation to ensure the audience of your confidence.

Th last step in giving an effective presentation is how you speak to the audience. You want to speak clearly and loud enough so that everyone can understand you. As well, memorize your script so to avoid mumbling and awkward silences. This is especially important in online presentations where the audience does not see you physically. The only thing they have to go on is your voice. This makes your voice very impressionable to their opinions on both you and your presentation.

With this knowledge on effective presentations anyone can turn a boring mundane presentation into one that screams of excitement and confidence.


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